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Belkyra™ is the one and only non-surgical treatment in Canada to slim and redefine a fatty/double chin. It is an injectable whose active ingredient is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that breaks down and absorbs fat. When injected under the chin, Belkyra™ targets and destroys the fat cell membranes, aiding in fat release and elimination fat.
Active Ingredient: Deoxycholic Acid
In our bodies, deoxycholic acid is one of two bile acids. Its natural role is to emulsify and make fats in the intestine more soluble. When injected through the skin, it works in the same way by killing off the unwanted fat in the targeted area.


Quick (Only a 15-20 minute procedure)
No maintenance treatment required once goals are achieved
A more contoured and defined chin profile
What are the side effects of this treatment?
While patients are able to and encouraged to return to their normal activities, temporary soreness and mild bruising are common following treatment. We recommend soft food during this time period to avoid straining.
How soon can I expect to see results?
There is gradual improvement after each treatment. Re-treatment is needed every 4-6 weeks. Most patients see a notable difference after 2-3 treatments. Up to 6 treatments may be administered depending on the situation.

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